Publication date: 02/20/2023

Modified date: 02/20/2023

This website or platform ( is a product of Ets Tinwi Linwi. Tinwi Linwi is a company registered in Benin.

By using this website,, we collect information such as: first and last name, images, email, IP address. None of this information is used for commercial purposes. That is, your information is not shared or sold. This information is only used for the use of the platform. On the other hand, the information that you share and publish yourself during your publications are not at our expense and they are free for any user.

Securing all your banking and mobile money banking information and data: Regarding the payment systems that we offer here on our platform, we use Paypal ( and FedaPay ( for the payments you make to us. We do not store any of your banking information and data or mobile money information and data on our website.

For any dispute or claim, please contact Ets Tinwi Linwi. Gouako Akpro Missérété / 02 BP 694 Porto-Novo. Telephone: +229 56938534 Republic of Benin. Click here to contact us Thank you!